This Memoir By Helene Sula May Inspire Travel And Major Life Changes

Helene Sula is perhaps best known for her very successful travel blog, Helene in Between, which she runs with her husband Michael Sula. The two travel the world and share their adventures with hundreds of thousands of people who read their blog and follow them on social media.
Helene has now written a travel memoir, Two O’Clock on a Tuesday at Trevi Fountain: A Search for an Unconventional Life Abroad. She shared with me, “Writing a book has always been a huge dream of mine. But if I’m honest, I always imagined it would be fiction. Then when I started sharing my story of moving abroad to Germany and starting a business as a content creator more and more online, my Instagram kind of exploded, I started realizing that my story could help others. Not just if they are interested in moving abroad, but going for their dreams, starting a business, traveling, or taking risks.”
Helene Sula’s memoir being held against European backdrop.
Helene’s husband Michael told me, “I admire the honesty and vulnerability with which the story is told, and I know it will resonate with anyone looking for inspiration to make bold choices in life. I see it as a testament to our journey together, filled with challenges, triumphs, and the lessons learned along the way.”
Helene has always been passionate about not only storytelling but also about helping others, and it shines through in her blog and her new book. Here’s what else she shared with me about her riveting memoir.
Helene Sula looks back during her travels in Europe.
What would you say is your true passion and how does that inform all the work you do?
I’d say my largest passion is telling stories and being able to teach and encourage others to tell theirs. I find that travel, for me, makes for incredible storytelling and it helps me to step outside of my comfort zone.
What do you think might surprise readers about your new book?
The number of failures I had, including getting fired, failed businesses, and failed visas. Life is about failing, and then picking yourself up and to just keep trying.
If you were to write a “Dear Reader” note to those who read your book, what is one piece of advice you’d like to give them?
Your dreams matter, but you won’t achieve any of them if you don’t at least try. I am a fearful person. I don’t like change. I always thought I’d stay in my hometown of Dallas, Texas. But when I left, I realized it wasn’t that scary. The same goes for starting a business. Scary things are worth it, especially when you take a calculated risk. I thought to live abroad I’d need to give everything up. I didn’t! You can have stability and adventure.
How has it surprised you?
Through writing, I really was able to realize how many experiences I never digested. We moved right after my husband lost his mother to cancer. We are high school sweethearts, so she’d been a big part of my life for over a decade, too. I don’t think I ever really processed that pain. Also thinking back on my travel mishaps and triumphs, I’ve really learned a lot about not only traveling, but how to be a better citizen of the world. I thought I liked traveling for the adventure, the newness. But I like learning and unlocking a part of myself I wasn’t in touch with before.
What are some of your favorite memories of the process of writing it?
I have to go with the title, Rome. I think Rome can be hit or miss for many travelers, but the history there is so dynamic. The title is called Two O’Clock on a Tuesday at Trevi Fountain because that’s when the lightbulb suddenly went off, and I realized just how incredible life can be. I also adore Germany. The castles in Heidelberg, the mountains in the Black Forest, the fairytale villages willed with half- timbered homes. It’s truly something special. I also adore the Alps. If I had to pick, I’d pick the Austrian Alps. It’s cheaper than Switzerland but just as pretty. The food is amazing, the people are kind, and there’s something to do in every season. Just don’t fall down the mountain, like I did.
What first sparked your interest in travel and writing?
My parents. They are both writers and they love to travel, but strategically. They taught a study abroad program in London, so I got to go every year for six weeks. My mom is a master of creating the life she wants, even without lots of money. For example, I was obsessed with Disney as a child, so she pitches a Disney Cruise. I went on an all-expense paid trip on a cruise. I guess you can say I’ve never gotten over that. My job now is very similar.
What would you tell someone who wants to build a career like yours?
Stop worrying about what others think. It’s not only taking away from your happiness but from yourself. Put yourself out there because you have a story to tell. Everyone does. No one has your background or history. And you’re missing out by not sharing your story. Sharing on social media can feel intimidating. But those that criticize might just be jealous that they don’t have the guts to share.
Are there certain things you look for in every place you visit?
I always take a free walking tour (and tip, of course). I find it’s one of the best ways to get to know a city.
What are some places you haven’t been that you still want to visit?
Australia and New Zealand! Those are the two highest on my list.
Helene Sula poses with her husband Michael Sula.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I hope my book inspires people to step out of their comfort zones and go for their dreams. I thought that meant giving up who you are. But it doesn’t have to be. You can go on adventures and still be grounded. You don’t have to lose yourself to follow your passion. It’s never too late to start.