15 Fathers Who Are as Committed to Fatherhood as They Are to Dad Jokes

Being a parent can be tough, but some dads know how to turn it into a fun-filled adventure. These dads don’t take themselves too seriously and are always up for some silly and imaginative antics with their kids. In this article, we’ve gathered 15 hilarious tweets and Reddit posts that showcase the fun side of fatherhood.
1. A winning strategy

2. Payback

3. Creative wording is all it takes.

4. Maybe making it a game will make it less frustrating.

5. It’s not all roses.

6. Dads can have as much fun as kids.

7. Some more dad strategies

8. Dad’s might be a danger to mom’s at this point

9. All it takes is a little push… of the clock.

10. If not revenge, maybe payback.

11. Some healthy dad-to-dad competition

12. Very easily fooled

13. Sometimes, a ploy is necessary for their own good.

14. There are too many coincidences at this point.

15. “In case anyone is wondering I weigh 200 lbs, and I’m on top. My brother weighs 160 lbs. And my dad weighs about 260 lbs.”