11 Best Pimple Patches for Every Breakout, Tested & Reviewed 2024

As someone with sensitive, oily, and acne-prone skin, I could talk about the the best pimple patches—and why they’re so important to me—for literal days. Possibly even months. Fortunately for anyone who knows me IRL, I’m putting that energy into this article. You’re welcome in advance.
As for why I’m so genuinely passionate about pimple products? Well, nothing else I’ve tried has successfully treated—or even slightly impacted—my aforementioned monthly breakouts. Spot treatments and face serums are great for preventing blemishes over all, and even treating other types of pimples like blackheads, whiteheads, and “traditional” breakouts. But, when it comes to my stubborn, hormonal, and cystic acne—which decorate my jawline and left cheek every month like clockwork—pimple patches never disappoint. (Trust me, my own wedding day beauty routine unfortunately included salicylic acid-spiked patches.)
The best pimple patches, at a glance
- Best Salicylic Acid Pimple Patches: Peace Out Salicylic Acid Acne Healing Dots, $19
- Best Hydrocolloid Pimple Patches: Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch The Original, $12
- Best for Cystic Acne: ZitSticka Killa Kit Self-Dissolving Microdart Acne Pimple Patch, $14
- Best K-Beauty Pimple Patches: COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch, $6
- Best for Preventing Breakouts: Peter Thomas Roth Acne-Clear Invisible Dots Blemish Treatment, $32
- Best for Sensitive Skin: Rael Beauty Miracle Patch Invisible Spot Cover, $7
Do pimple patches work?
Obviously, I’m a pimple patch stan, but seeing as I’m no chemist or dermatologist, I tapped an expert. “Pimple patches are essentially small bandaids placed over pimples to encourage them to resolve as quickly as possible,” Adarsh Vijay Mudgil, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of New York City’s Mudgil Dermatology, tells Glamour. “They’re made using hydrocolloid material, which draws moisture out of the underlying area, while some contain benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid, classic acne-fighting ingredients, which help exfoliate the underlying pimple.”
I still don’t know if it’s the zit stickers’ robust formulations or the physical barrier preventing me from popping, picking at, or even touching my blemished skin, but what I do know is that they really work for me. Several other Glamour editors and fellow beauty lovers feel the same, too, meaning that the best pimple patches really are worth the hype.
Now that you’re an expert in all things pimple patches, get your carts ready, and say bye bye to those stubborn blemishes.
All products featured on Glamour are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Best Salicylic Acid Pimple Patches: Peace Out Salicylic Acid Acne Healing Dots”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,[“sup”,”Original photo courtesy of “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” associate beauty editor Danielle Sinay”]],[“p”,”Peace Out’s pimple patches are more than a cult-favorite, it seems like everyone, no matter the skin type or interest in skin care, loves them equally. Case in point: Dr. Mudgil also cites them as one of his top picks. “Peace Out Acne patches are excellent; they contain salicylic acid and retinol, which work well to ‘dry out’ pimples,” he says. Skin care expert and content creator “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.instagram.com/dirtyboysgetclean/?hl=en”,”target”:”_blank”},”Matt Woodcox”],” (you’ve likely seen his skin care memes @”,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.instagram.com/dirtyboysgetclean/#”,”target”:”_blank”},”dirtyboysgetclean”],” ) feels the same way.”],[“p”,”“These are the best pimple patches ever,” Woodcox tells “,[“em”,”Glamour”],”. “They actually contain “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/story/pregnancy-safe-acne-treatments”,”target”:”_blank”},”acne-fighting ingredients”],” in them unlike many others, meaning they not only eradicate the zit, but ensure the skin where the zit was is healed and not left looking like a wound!””]],”functionalTags”:[{“name”:”_commerce”,”slug”:”commerce”}],”id”:”66454218295eed03c5f055c5″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”Peace Out Salicylic Acid Acne Healing Dots”,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/Skincare-Hydrocolloid-Blemishes-Overnight-Anti-Acne/dp/B08JHL9FGR/”,”price”:”$19″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhUGq1bpTg2W9SaBQp8KqHkDDbXveqT6pfCVAttnH72ohTKkCWRuMUFC1TE8TQxijgLkXdcX8Q1De6U4LfV8pKKDdFiDfxqcXvLzpyLsxELUvmQTkUHGr8uEMh2ampzeJ”,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””},{“offerUrl”:”https://www.sephora.com/product/acne-healing-dots-P421275?”,”price”:”$19″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhUGq1bpTg2W9SaBQp8KqHkDDbXveqT7gK6yJD7rqCHuNJEWr5Tb79T6BmMt12gbS2FqNJFHraYaZhHB4huMjbJ68exfk2aZ5TF3V8XNT7gyH3tkK3Hkx1UbpRJGxNEri”,”sellerName”:”Sephora”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-pimple-patches&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F66455aada3c69618d4f71eb6%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2Fpeace%2520out.jpg&description=Peace%20Out%20Salicylic%20Acid%20Acne%20Healing%20Dots”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:0,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”order”:0,”totalCount”:11,”preHeaderOne”:”1/11″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”unified_product_card”}”>
Peace Out Salicylic Acid Acne Healing Dots
Original photo courtesy of Glamour associate beauty editor Danielle Sinay
Peace Out’s pimple patches are more than a cult-favorite, it seems like everyone, no matter the skin type or interest in skin care, loves them equally. Case in point: Dr. Mudgil also cites them as one of his top picks. “Peace Out Acne patches are excellent; they contain salicylic acid and retinol, which work well to ‘dry out’ pimples,” he says. Skin care expert and content creator Matt Woodcox (you’ve likely seen his skin care memes @dirtyboysgetclean ) feels the same way.
“These are the best pimple patches ever,” Woodcox tells Glamour. “They actually contain acne-fighting ingredients in them unlike many others, meaning they not only eradicate the zit, but ensure the skin where the zit was is healed and not left looking like a wound!”
Best Hydrocolloid Pimple Patches: Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch The Original”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,[“sup”,”Original photo courtesy of “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” senior beauty editor Ariana Yaptangco”]],[“p”,[“em”,”Glamour”],” shopping editors—who again, quite literally “,[“em”,”shop”],” for a living—can’t get enough of Hero Cosmetics’ Mighty Pimple Patches. Glamour senior commerce editor “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/contributor/jenifer-calle”,”target”:”_blank”},”Jenifer Calle”],” absolutely “loves” them, “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” commerce writer “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/contributor/andrea-aguila”,”target”:”_blank”},”Andrea Navarro”],” relies on them for preventing and treating her most stubborn acne. And “,[“em”,”Glamour”],”‘s beauty team feels similarly: “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” senior beauty editor “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/contributor/ariana-yaptangco”,”target”:”_blank”},”Ariana Yaptangco”],” and I consider these to be some of our best, tried-and-true pimple patches of the hydrocolloid variety.”],[“p”,”“I’ve tried almost every pimple patch under the sun, and these remain some of the best I’ve ever used,” writes “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” beauty contributor “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/contributor/bella-cacciatore”,”target”:”_blank”},”Bella Cacciatore”],” in her “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/gallery/hero-cosmetics-product-review”,”target”:”_blank”},”Mighty Patch review”],”. “For starters, they stay put and don’t slide off in the middle of the night, which is crucial (and sadly, not always the case with other brands). They suck out all the gunk, flattening zits in just one night. I tend to be a popper (do as I say, not as I do), so my favorite way to use them is on picked-at zits, and they really help speed up the healing process. I’ll never be caught without a pack in my arsenal.””]],”functionalTags”:[{“name”:”_commerce”,”slug”:”commerce”}],”id”:”664546b67b3d7233493b89c8″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch The Original”,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.ulta.com/p/mighty-patch-duo-original-invisible-patches-pimprod2020519?”,”price”:”$7″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhUGq1cUbyT5SSJFcQdHN4joBhgNZ13zhACopb8mvvToJ73vTzpRN2gjBsMVnDJiFLLd4NzUbL1joGkY1tDoQ3thqxT1CAdyf954yYBFdSNXJx5cQiLzUApYQXa6iBZsU”,”sellerName”:”Ulta”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-pimple-patches&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F664546d88ecb0be720e0da4f%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FIMG_3328.jpg&description=Hero%20Cosmetics%20Mighty%20Patch%20The%20Original”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:1,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”order”:1,”totalCount”:11,”preHeaderOne”:”2/11″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”unified_product_card”}”>
Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch The Original
Original photo courtesy of Glamour senior beauty editor Ariana Yaptangco
Glamour shopping editors—who again, quite literally shop for a living—can’t get enough of Hero Cosmetics’ Mighty Pimple Patches. Glamour senior commerce editor Jenifer Calle absolutely “loves” them, Glamour commerce writer Andrea Navarro relies on them for preventing and treating her most stubborn acne. And Glamour‘s beauty team feels similarly: Glamour senior beauty editor Ariana Yaptangco and I consider these to be some of our best, tried-and-true pimple patches of the hydrocolloid variety.
“I’ve tried almost every pimple patch under the sun, and these remain some of the best I’ve ever used,” writes Glamour beauty contributor Bella Cacciatore in her Mighty Patch review. “For starters, they stay put and don’t slide off in the middle of the night, which is crucial (and sadly, not always the case with other brands). They suck out all the gunk, flattening zits in just one night. I tend to be a popper (do as I say, not as I do), so my favorite way to use them is on picked-at zits, and they really help speed up the healing process. I’ll never be caught without a pack in my arsenal.”