11 Best No-Show Socks for Women, Tested by Glamour Editors 2024

Best for Sneakers: Idegg No-Show Socks”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,[“sup”,”Original photo courtesy of “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” commerce editor Malia Griggs”]],[“p”,”“I found that the Ideggs are a good Bombas dupe,” says Griggs. “These are my go-to’s for my weekend walks around Brooklyn. They’re high enough that they protect the tops of my feet from getting rubbed by my sneakers, and—importantly—are never visible, despite how low-cut my Nikes are at the ankle. I like that they have some cushioning along the heel that does a decent job combatting the shock of strolling on cement. They’re not quite as cushy as my Bombas, but on a lot of days, that’s totally fine.” You can buy the socks in a wide range of colors, from bright rainbow to shades of beige and brown.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Sizes:”],” S, M, L (women’s 5–9, 9–13, 13–15.5)”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Pairs:”],” 6″],[“li”,[“strong”,”Why we love them:”],” Cushioned heel; moisture-wicking; padded heel; anti-slip heel grip; wide sizing; affordable”],[“li”,[“strong”,”What could be better:”],” Not cushy enough for high-impact activity; feet were sometimes sweaty after hours of wear”]],[“p”,[“em”,”Save on the best no-show socks for women with these “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/coupons/amazon”,”target”:”_blank”},”Amazon promo codes”],”.”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”653ff5a24afaa836d66bc620″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”Idegg No Show Socks “,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075BHK571/”,”price”:”$14″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhTrFjFFRhgpD5erJ4PVUSebj7nLpiBKmMCQW3MJuLKfqUuCs8g2ctzumNaBkX4nVqezKuFaeb26mb1ycS8ac1Ms7Q8LSBijTce2FwrWB3pmTrvVu21FcbqTQR2ogeGhC”,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-no-show-socks-for-women&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F662bd26d75d7c4de238c95a2%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FIdegg%2520No%2520Show%2520Socks%2520.png&description=Idegg%20No%20Show%20Socks%20″}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:4,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”order”:4,”totalCount”:11,”preHeaderOne”:”5/11″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”unified_product_card”}”>
Idegg No Show Socks
Original photo courtesy of Glamour commerce editor Malia Griggs
“I found that the Ideggs are a good Bombas dupe,” says Griggs. “These are my go-to’s for my weekend walks around Brooklyn. They’re high enough that they protect the tops of my feet from getting rubbed by my sneakers, and—importantly—are never visible, despite how low-cut my Nikes are at the ankle. I like that they have some cushioning along the heel that does a decent job combatting the shock of strolling on cement. They’re not quite as cushy as my Bombas, but on a lot of days, that’s totally fine.” You can buy the socks in a wide range of colors, from bright rainbow to shades of beige and brown.
- Sizes: S, M, L (women’s 5–9, 9–13, 13–15.5)
- Pairs: 6
- Why we love them: Cushioned heel; moisture-wicking; padded heel; anti-slip heel grip; wide sizing; affordable
- What could be better: Not cushy enough for high-impact activity; feet were sometimes sweaty after hours of wear
Save on the best no-show socks for women with these Amazon promo codes.
Best for Heels: Sheecs Ultra Low-Cut No-Show Liners”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,[“sup”,”Original photo courtesy of “,[“em”,”Glamour”],” commerce editor Malia Griggs”]],[“p”,”The headache of wearing most heels (and flats, honestly) is that they usually rub the skin, causing your toes and heels to blister. An ultra low-cut no-show sock is a smart solution to that problem, since they create a barrier between your foot and the shoe. But finding the right liner is a challenge, when most slip right off. “Look, no sock can make me truly enjoy “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/gallery/most-comfortable-heels”,”target”:”_blank”},”wearing heels”],” and flats, but the Sheec at least makes the experience way more bearable,” says Griggs. “I was blown away that these itsy-bitsy liners were grippy enough around the back and toes that they “,[“em”,”never”],” slipped off, despite practically only outlining their shape. Do you know how hard that is to find in a low-cut no-show sock?? They fit perfectly under my ballet flats (pictured) and are even low-cut enough to work under heels, too. I didn’t wind up with the skin irritation that I usually do.” The Sheecs come in four different cuts—we tested the ultra-low, which are excellent for heels with deep cuts. (The “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://cna.st/affiliate-link/5562jUBkjoEKAdfkiDfuz8hQrwmJkS8xNPzQk14BphsTUwy6M41cM8A5AD44nMyQFCYPYaXuvApKDdrvioNE75FsFj4b3FjqxoDtkhYsj9yFmKJrzavCTWL2s33U4J5vQ9iRBzZoSUsx2KX1fKMCgeK9YoZijYrNfDvFcUYGbgVugYpDC2eK6s6gcAyQfizzkU1yTwgFx”,”rel”:”sponsored”,”target”:”_blank”,”isaffiliatelink”:”true”},”low-cut”],” seems like a good option for flats, loafers, and boat shoes, if you’d like a tad more top-of-the-foot coverage.)”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Sizes:”],” S, M, L, XL, 2XL (women’s 5–7, 7.5–9.5, 10–12, 12.5–14, 14.5-15.5)”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Pairs:”],” 3″],[“li”,[“strong”,”Why we love them:”],” Toe and heel grips keep the liner from slipping off, despite being extra low-cut; comes in wide size range”],[“li”,[“strong”,”What could be better:”],” No cushioning; pricey for a single pair”]],[“p”,[“em”,”Save on the best no-show socks for women with these “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/coupons/amazon”,”target”:”_blank”},”Amazon promo codes”],”.”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”662bd42e474ed6167f334bde”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”Sheecs Ultra Low-Cut No-Show Liners “,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/SHEEC-Secret-Ultra-Low-cut-Cotton/dp/B0CMV4RTLL”,”price”:”$11″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhU3655PecFoQLHVRotb6jT1gYaoEH7aSo26FJtYjDURxzc53ZGL15bXymsLoJysHNHH2aiD4MGUHm6TdG9VWwP9mCZEt6Ed5V7BYgxK8oA1JbQmQAGuS2y212KSot342″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””},{“offerUrl”:”https://sheecsocks.com/products/black-secret-ultra-low-cut”,”price”:”$12″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhU3655PecFoQLHVRotb6jT1gYaoEH7bJSvaNd7dHJjXdqWqh8J1kkoSA616LvhjyiCMsFLynXoqDMuaMJZiSDN2Gbogx9yZd21ECr8odgWVesu3xjHPXuYPTkb8zRHGS”,”sellerName”:”Sheec”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-no-show-socks-for-women&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F662bd4d048b7f71595b4d10d%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FSheecs%2520Ultra%2520Low-Cut%2520No-Show%2520Liners%2520.png&description=Sheecs%20Ultra%20Low-Cut%20No-Show%20Liners%20″}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:5,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”order”:5,”totalCount”:11,”preHeaderOne”:”6/11″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”unified_product_card”}”>
Sheecs Ultra Low-Cut No-Show Liners
Original photo courtesy of Glamour commerce editor Malia Griggs
The headache of wearing most heels (and flats, honestly) is that they usually rub the skin, causing your toes and heels to blister. An ultra low-cut no-show sock is a smart solution to that problem, since they create a barrier between your foot and the shoe. But finding the right liner is a challenge, when most slip right off. “Look, no sock can make me truly enjoy wearing heels and flats, but the Sheec at least makes the experience way more bearable,” says Griggs. “I was blown away that these itsy-bitsy liners were grippy enough around the back and toes that they never slipped off, despite practically only outlining their shape. Do you know how hard that is to find in a low-cut no-show sock?? They fit perfectly under my ballet flats (pictured) and are even low-cut enough to work under heels, too. I didn’t wind up with the skin irritation that I usually do.” The Sheecs come in four different cuts—we tested the ultra-low, which are excellent for heels with deep cuts. (The low-cut seems like a good option for flats, loafers, and boat shoes, if you’d like a tad more top-of-the-foot coverage.)
- Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL (women’s 5–7, 7.5–9.5, 10–12, 12.5–14, 14.5-15.5)
- Pairs: 3
- Why we love them: Toe and heel grips keep the liner from slipping off, despite being extra low-cut; comes in wide size range
- What could be better: No cushioning; pricey for a single pair
Save on the best no-show socks for women with these Amazon promo codes.