15 People Shared the Most Bizarre Secrets They Learned About Their Friends

We often think we know the people close to us. But every now and then, we stumble upon a hidden side that leaves us questioning how well we really know them.
- “A good friend of mine that I’d known for over 20 years died in 2021. I noticed a bunch of children at the funeral that I didn’t know. I asked who they were, and I was told that they were his children. He told me he had no kids, but actually had 10. 10 kids!” CascadeJ1980 / Reddit
- “I’m 56 now, but at some point in my early 40s, while driving with my dad, he says, ‘You have a half-brother somewhere.'” FarGazelle8339 / Reddit
- “I’m in my 70s. My best friend of 40 years and I were talking, she was very fond of my mother, who has been dead for many years. She said something about how much I must miss her… I didn’t say anything. She pushed.
I finally said, ‘I never say this to people who liked her, but she was extremely toxic, and I was greatly relieved when she died.’ There was a long pause. She said, ‘Mine was too.’
All those years and we never shared that. That was quite a talk. ” Any_Assumption_2023 / Reddit

- “I found out after years of friendship that my friend had been taking photos of me while I slept at sleepovers. Turns out they had an entire album titled ‘Dreaming’ with pics of me in various sleep poses (no longer friends with him).” CurvyCharmXO / Reddit
- “My mother was married to a famous drummer before she started dating my dad. Explained why my dad always got mad when I told him I wanted to become a drummer.” SpidermanBread / Reddit
- “One of my best friends faked an olive allergy for about 15 years. Someone exposed him at his bday and he started panicking and yelling about blowing his cover or just not liking the olives. We all just laughed at him, and I was gonna use that against him as long as I could.” johnnykalikimaka / Reddit

- “I recently found out that one of my good friends is really rich. Like comes from old money rich. She has the biggest heart and is incredibly sweet and down to earth, so I would have never known. It wasn’t until she got married that I started to piece it together.
‘Where are you having your bachelorette party?’ ‘Oh, my family has a condo in Florida that we’ve had since before I was born, we’re just gonna chill there for a week.’
‘Where is the wedding?’ ‘Oh, my dad is part of a club, so we’re just going to have it there.’ Looks up the club and sees that there is a dress code just to walk into the building, and it costs a couple hundred dollars a month to be a part of it.
At the cocktail hour, there was a vase in glass that had pretty birds on it, so I took a look, there was a plaque inside that said it was donated to the club and was made in the 1700s. Priceless art that could be seen at the Met on display in this club as decoration.” Actrivia24 / Reddit - “My friend is good friends with one of the band members from One Direction. I was shocked until he pulled up some of their childhood pics together, they have been friends for a long time.” clumsy-bumblebee / Reddit
- “I found out that one of my best friends used to be a competitive figure skater! We’d been friends for years and she never mentioned it.
One day, we were talking about childhood hobbies, and she casually mentioned she used to compete at a national level. I was shocked! She even showed me some old photos and videos—it was so cool to see a completely different side of her.” Bunnyagents / Reddit - “Found out that a long-time golf buddy of mine was a professional ballroom dance teacher in his previous years. The guy is 300+ pounds and just didn’t give off ‘ballroom dancer’ vibes.
My wife of 10 years used to work for Arthur Murray dance schools and didn’t believe he knew how to dance, so she invited him and his wife over for dinner. Boy was she wrong.
Golf buddy twirled her, dipped her, the whole 9 yards as both myself and his wife stood there with our jaws on the floor. After going through 7 different dances with my wife, he twirled her one last time towards me and said, ‘Told you so’.” this-aint-frankie / Reddit - “I have a work friend, we’ve known each other for years. We hang out from time to time. Turns out we’ve been in each other’s orbits since birth.
He mentioned his mom knowing someone I knew via my mom. We started going through contacts. We’d attended the same schools, just different classes that never blended. His brother dated my cousin’s best friend.
We’d worked for the same companies, just a mix of one of coming in as the other was leaving or the company was big enough for paths to never cross. We’d lived in the same neighborhoods multiple times. We had the same favorite restaurant in one place, we just had different regular days to go.” tdasnowman / Reddit

- “I was on a team in high school for 4 years, got pretty close with the other girls on the team, and we all hung out all of the time.
We decided to go bowling together and one of these girls, who we had spent hours a week with for years and talked about everything under the sun with, showed up with her own shoes, gloves, bag, and bowling ball and crushed us all with a near-professional score.
She had never mentioned bowling to any of us, even once, even when we were making plans to go bowling.” listenyall / Reddit - “I worked summers as a ticket booth operator at a minor league baseball stadium for around 3 years. The owner was this really nice old guy (mid to late 80s) who always showed up in a wheelchair being walked by his daughter. He always rewarded his employees with bonuses for good work. He even gave me $300 once for helping cash out one of his close childhood friends.
In one of the final games I worked there, he called me into his owner’s box and gave me free food as well as $1500, just to thank me for all the hard work I did for him over the years. He told me the reason he liked me so much was because I didn’t pretend to like him because of who he was.
Confused, I asked him to clarify. And he asked me if I seriously didn’t know. I was still confused, and then he told me the truth, he was actually a Hall of Fame pitcher who played with the Cleveland Indians and Philadelphia A’s from the 1940s-early 1960s. And showed me a replica of his Hall of Fame plaque.” Turbulent_Archer_727 / Reddit

- “When my ‘best friend’ died, I learned that I never knew her at all. She was a pathological liar. She told me that she was born in New Zealand and moved to the U.S. when she was 2. Nope, born and raised in NJ. She told me her middle name was different than on her obituary.
The craziest lie was that she had a younger sister who was hit by a car as a toddler and died. She had a tattoo of roses that she swore was for her little sister. There was a specific day in November every year when she’d fall apart crying. Said it was her sister’s date of death. That sister never existed.” mrsmoffbricks / Reddit - “I found out that my former best friend was lying to me about everything. She told me that she got laid off from her job. So I lent her $200. Come to find out, she had been fired from the bank for fudging numbers.
She also lied to me about why she and her ex-boyfriend split up. She told me that she had no relatives in our state, so her friends were the only family she had. Found out later that she has a mom, aunt, and a grandma here.
The worst part was that she and I used to work together at one time. She also got fired from that job. When she was terminated, she told HR a whole bunch of lies & got me involved.” Elleseebee928 / Reddit
These stories remind us that everyone has quirks and secrets that make them unique, even our closest friends. While some revelations may be shocking or strange, they also deepen our understanding of the people we care about, adding new layers to our relationships.
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