7 Best Teeth Whitening Strips, According to Dentists 2024

We’re not exaggerating when we say that we count the best teeth whitening strips among one of the most reliable beauty tools. They’re so effective and easy to use: a few simple treatments and—bam!—the evidence of all those cups of iced coffee suddenly aren’t as noticeable.
Teeth whitening strips work by targeting extrinsic discoloration on the outside of your teeth due to food and beverage consumption. Dark-colored drinks (like coffee and wine), smoking, and poor oral health habits can all stand in your way of having white teeth.
To help you find the best whitening strips, we spoke with dentists and people who use at-home teeth whitening strips. Just make sure you get the okay from your dentist before trying any of these for yourself to see if you need to worry about concerns like tooth sensitivity or a tooth condition resistant to whitening, says Joyce Kahng, DDS, cosmetic dentist and owner of Orange + Magnolia Dental Studio.
The best teeth whitening strips, at a glance
- Best Overall: Crest 3D Whitestrips, $46
- Best Express: Crest 3D Strips Express, $55
- Best Tray Whitening: Opalescence Go, $84
- Best for Sensitive Teeth: Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips, $50
- Best Dissolving: Snow The Magic Strips, $25
- Best Peroxide-Free: Moon Teeth Whitening Strips, $25
Your teeth whitening questions, answered
All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Best Overall: Crest 3D Whitestrips”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”The classics are classics for a reason—and that’s exactly why Crest3D Whitestrips earn our number-one spot. I’ve been using these drugstore strips once a year since high school whenever I want a brighter smile. Technically, you’re supposed to apply these at-home teeth-whitening strips for 20 days straight, but I usually find that my smile already looks whiter and less discolored within five days. Sometimes, I’ll even split the packs to get two (or even four!) treatment cycles out of them.”],[“p”,[“em”,”Glamour”],” commerce editor “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/contributor/malia-griggs”,”target”:”_blank”},”Malia Griggs”],” has been using these “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/gallery/best-selling-amazon-products”,”target”:”_blank”},”Amazon bestellers”],” for close to a decade now. “I mostly use them for maintenance at this point—a couple times a month, I stick them to my teeth, go about my business for 30 minutes, and emerge with whiter teeth (that people compliment me on!). I don’t wear them every day or even every week because I’ve noticed that my teeth will get sensitive to cold afterward, but even once a month is good enough for me,” she says.”],[“p”,”They’re also backed by Dr. Kahng, who says, “They’re easy to find, affordable, and available in bulk at places like Costco. However, they can cause tooth sensitivity due to extra ingredients.” As with most whitening strips, Crest3D Whitestrips cost a pretty penny or, well, $45. They also leave that gluey film on your teeth after you’ve stripped them off, which, while temporary, is still annoying.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Active ingredients:”],” Hydrogen peroxide”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Strip Count:”],” 20, 2 treatments + two express treatments”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Quick and effective, highly recommended”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Pricey, leave a film on your teeth, may sensitize your teeth”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”6688152694b403acaa599775″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”Crest 3D Whitestrips “,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/Crest-Professional-Whitestrips-Whitening-Treatments/dp/B00AHAWWO0″,”price”:”$46″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhVCtgoEgB6kg2bBuyPV3GdGG5y2W5JB97SfbYVNoeVKskYJtMKkfQQnzX1e7g1e9QktwLrc2CvAXNWFEoX3CSSBsE7F5g9vnhmt3bCn3jyLWzq2XYedratLah3LMsQSS”,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-teeth-whitening-strips&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F66881583b3e474f8d38a7f41%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FCrest%25203D%2520Whitestrips%2520.png&description=Crest%203D%20Whitestrips%20″}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:0,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”order”:0,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”1/9″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”enhanced_product_card”,”total_index”:2,”hasMultipleImage”:true,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false}”>
Crest 3D Whitestrips
The classics are classics for a reason—and that’s exactly why Crest3D Whitestrips earn our number-one spot. I’ve been using these drugstore strips once a year since high school whenever I want a brighter smile. Technically, you’re supposed to apply these at-home teeth-whitening strips for 20 days straight, but I usually find that my smile already looks whiter and less discolored within five days. Sometimes, I’ll even split the packs to get two (or even four!) treatment cycles out of them.
Glamour commerce editor Malia Griggs has been using these Amazon bestellers for close to a decade now. “I mostly use them for maintenance at this point—a couple times a month, I stick them to my teeth, go about my business for 30 minutes, and emerge with whiter teeth (that people compliment me on!). I don’t wear them every day or even every week because I’ve noticed that my teeth will get sensitive to cold afterward, but even once a month is good enough for me,” she says.
They’re also backed by Dr. Kahng, who says, “They’re easy to find, affordable, and available in bulk at places like Costco. However, they can cause tooth sensitivity due to extra ingredients.” As with most whitening strips, Crest3D Whitestrips cost a pretty penny or, well, $45. They also leave that gluey film on your teeth after you’ve stripped them off, which, while temporary, is still annoying.
- Active ingredients: Hydrogen peroxide
- Strip Count: 20, 2 treatments + two express treatments
- Pros: Quick and effective, highly recommended
- Cons: Pricey, leave a film on your teeth, may sensitize your teeth
Best Express: Crest 3D Strips Express”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”If you dropped the ball on starting your whitening treatment two weeks before an event (we’ve all been there), Crest’s express strips are here to save the day. These express hydrogen peroxide strips require just two one-hour treatments to give you a radiant smile. You can have whiter teeth quite literally within 24 hours—right in time for the party.”],[“p”,”Because the bleaching effects of these strips work “,[“em”,”fast”],”, these teeth whitening strips can increase the sensitivity of your teeth, so it’s important to get your dentist’s approval before trying them. Personally, I found that these worked well, stripping my teeth of years of stains from food and coffee. However, like the original Crest3D Whitestrips, I found the tacky residue left behind from the strips tasted awful. And as someone who doesn’t “,[“em”,”really”],” subscribe to the “beauty is pain” motto, I hope they find a way to make these taste better in the future.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Active ingredients:”],” Hydrogen peroxide”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Strip Count:”],” 20, 10 treatments”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Fast acting, dentist recommended”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” May increase sensitivity, leave a bad-tasting film on your teeth”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”6688166dbaa9791aee9de421″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”Crest 3D Strips Express “,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/Crest-1-Hour-Express-Whitening-Strips/dp/B0045XE3AG”,”price”:”$55″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/2h8zKZvUAqv9ZBD2LWAJSVZJMZo3t1Xwzf8DPWfmzpvRZ1XHbRhVCtgoGLwvmzsNpSYdrSfuWZxgWPSMErm1ubTrVyQW9Th36uNnt6vANbMUuLuiuueTnY3ZMBti6brq2berNtmmoTZxJcr3bWf3jJHgznS2HUJZPCgpsYeywTgTaGGudG”,”reducedPrice”:”$28″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-teeth-whitening-strips&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F668816b277826e9e1f783c11%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FCrest%25203D%2520Strips%2520Express%2520.png&description=Crest%203D%20Strips%20Express%20″}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:1,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”order”:1,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”2/9″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”enhanced_product_card”,”total_index”:2,”hasMultipleImage”:true,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false}”>
Crest 3D Strips Express
If you dropped the ball on starting your whitening treatment two weeks before an event (we’ve all been there), Crest’s express strips are here to save the day. These express hydrogen peroxide strips require just two one-hour treatments to give you a radiant smile. You can have whiter teeth quite literally within 24 hours—right in time for the party.
Because the bleaching effects of these strips work fast, these teeth whitening strips can increase the sensitivity of your teeth, so it’s important to get your dentist’s approval before trying them. Personally, I found that these worked well, stripping my teeth of years of stains from food and coffee. However, like the original Crest3D Whitestrips, I found the tacky residue left behind from the strips tasted awful. And as someone who doesn’t really subscribe to the “beauty is pain” motto, I hope they find a way to make these taste better in the future.
- Active ingredients: Hydrogen peroxide
- Strip Count: 20, 10 treatments
- Pros: Fast acting, dentist recommended
- Cons: May increase sensitivity, leave a bad-tasting film on your teeth