Learn to Flatpick the Hanukkah Classic “Maoz Tzur (Rock of Ages)”

In the spirit of the season, I’d like to share a solo flatpicking arrangement of the Hanukkah classic “Maoz Tzur (Rock of Ages).” The melody familiar to most American Jewish households is actually an adaptation of a German folk tune that dates back to at least 1450. This melody was also used for hymns by Martin Luther, among others.
In this arrangement, I’ve set the tune as a Maybelle Carter–style flatpicking tune in the key of C major. The melody is played primarily on strings 5–3, with occasional excursions to the second or sixth string. To fill the space between melody notes, I’ve added accompanying strums and cross-picking on the top three strings.
When playing, aim to keep the accompaniment significantly quieter than the melody—the dynamic contrast creates a fuller, richer sound. Also, pay close attention to your pick direction when tackling syncopated cross-picking passages, such as in measures 8 and 18. Downstrokes should align with the downbeats (1, 2, 3, and 4), and upstrokes with the upbeats (the ands in between).
Happy Hanukkah!
Ethan Sherman is the co-author of String Theories – Tips, Challenges, and Reflections for the Lifelong Guitarist, available at store.acousticguitar.com.