
My Vegetarian Wife Forces Me and My Kids to Stop Eating Meat

What happens when your wife, who handles everything at home, suddenly goes vegetarian and forces you and the kids to eat only veggies? You won’t believe what this guy did behind her back and how she reacted—it’s got the internet buzzing!

Here’s the full story:

Reddit users were all on his side.

  • You are not a jerk. Your wife is, though, for forcing her diet and beliefs onto others. My dad is vegan, but he doesn’t force it onto anyone. Unknown author / Reddit
  • Dietary choices that aren’t a medical requirement should be made by the person themselves, including children. You went behind her back after she forced you and the kids to abide by her new lifestyle. posusername / Reddit
  • My dad is vegetarian, and my mom is a meat eater, but my dad was always okay with it. He even helped prepare meat for his 5 kids, even though he’s born and raised vegetarian. You shouldn’t force that on someone like that, and you’re definitely doing the right thing, letting them eat what they want. Unknown author / Reddit

  • You and your kids shouldn’t have to go vegetarian just because your wife wants to, but you probably also shouldn’t have asked your kids to lie to your wife. Be upfront with her and say that when it’s your time to cook, they might be eating meat. Then she knows, and it’s up to her about how she deals with it. GleefulVectorOfChaos / Reddit
  • I think you’re being quite the bigger person by living by her principles (which is also fair since she cooks) but just as much as she’s allowed to be vegetarian you’re allowed not to be. Honestly, taking the kids out for meat dishes on Mondays seems like a great compromise to stick through the 6 vegetarian days. Andy_Warhole / Reddit

  • Your wife chose to be vegetarian. If the kids want meat, let them eat meat. direktstrom273 / Reddit
  • The kid’s dietary preferences should be up to them. Exist_Logic / Reddit
  • I also would love to know if she’s paying attention to what she’s giving her kids. If she doesn’t know very many dishes yet, there’s a high possibility they aren’t getting all of the nutrients children need. Obviously, meat isn’t essential, but it still packs a punch in protein, and I assume she’s not actively trying to fill the hole by cutting out meat. monkeypie22 / Reddit

This isn’t an isolated incident. Here, we share the story of a grandmother who secretly fed meat to her vegan grandchildren.


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