Nannies Who Worked For Toxic Families, What Was The Breaking Point That Made You Quit?

I imagine being a nanny and working so closely with a family can be complicated, especially if you don’t work for the most pleasant family. So I want to know what the final straw was that made you quit nannying for a toxic household.

For example, maybe they treated you less like a nanny and more like a housekeeper by always telling you to clean things around the house. However, you knew it was time to leave once they demanded you clean the gutters of their house.

Maybe you were a nanny for a couple who was constantly fighting in front of you. It got to the point where they’d separately pull you aside and talk crap about their spouse to you. One day, they were having one of their biggest fights, and they asked you to take a side. So you just left.

Or maybe you nannied for a couple who you discovered recently had infidelity issues. As a result, the wife was always suspicious you were having an affair with her husband and would treat you so coldy and rude until you couldn’t take it anymore.
Tell us the final straw that made you quit nannying for a toxic family (or use this Google Form if you want to be anonymous).