Poll: Box Art Brawl

Hello folks, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl.
Last week, we looked at Mario’s Picross for the Game Boy, and it was quite the heated battle between North America and Europe. In the end, Europe won with 48% of the vote. North America came in second with 40%, and Japan in third with 12%.
This week, to celebrate its upcoming addition to NSO, we’re going to look at Nobunaga’s Ambition for the SNES. This game has seen a release on numerous systems, with the SNES version landing in 1993 in Japan and North America (sorry Europe, no brawl for you this week).
So with that in mind, yes, it’s another duel this week, so strap yourselves in, and let’s get started.
Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s check out the box art designs themselves.
North America

Both designs here share similarities; primarily the main key art showcasing Nobunaga in his iconic Samurai armour. Here, however, the colours are a bit darker, and everything just looks a tough classier than its Japanese counterpart. That said, the title itself is just a bit… meh. Not awful, but it kind of looks out of place, y’know?

Japan’s version is, as expected, displayed in a portrait orientation, so we get to see more of that awesome Nobunaga key art. In the corners, we’ve also got pixel art images of characters from the game, which is a nice contrast. Finally, the gold mixed with the red Japanese text work really nicely together.
Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.