Tell Us Your Funniest Family Secret

Family secrets aren’t always dark and messy. Sometimes, they’re wild and hilarious, too.

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So we wanna know: What’s your funniest family secret?

Mapo / Getty Images
Maybe you once injured yourself in a ridiculous way and lied about it because you were too embarrassed to admit the truth.

Julpo / Getty Images
Maybe a few years ago, one of your family members started a prank on someone, and it’s still going strong.
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Maybe your family secret really is messy, but you can laugh at it because you have an effed-up, dark sense of humor.
Giulio Fornasar / Getty Images
Whatever it is, we want to know! Tell us in the comments, or if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can submit your answer here in this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!