45 Best Gifts for Artists 2024, According to Art Professionals

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Looking for gifts for artists? We spoke with a handful of painters, illustrators, makeup artists, and Glamour’s very own art director for their best gift ideas—including what’s on their own wish lists. Many suggest not to overthink it. Case in point: This particular watercolor paper pad and acrylic paint set, which is a top pick from a painter and available on Amazon. Want to take it up a notch? Check out some luxury gifts for artists, like a French beechwood easel or a Dolce & Gabbana notebook. And since artists are all about special little details, you can never go wrong with a custom gift, like a personalized paintbrush case or custom leather portfolio. “It doesn’t need to be expensive or ‘perfect’—it’s the sentiment and time taken that is the real gift,” says multi-disciplinary artist b Robert Moore. Whether they’re a seasoned artist or just started taking an interest in painting as a hobby, we’ve rounded up the best gifts for artists to shop right now.
Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint Set (20 Colors)
If the artist in your life works with watercolors, the best thing you can give them is a brand-new set of high-quality paints. This shopper-loved set from Winsor and Newton comes recommended by painter Anthony O. Gomes. You can get a variety of options from metallic to floral, landscape, and portrait sets depending upon where their interests lie.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”Steven Pressfield’s “,[“em”,”The War of Art”],” is the ultimate pep talk for creatives battling procrastination and self-doubt, offering sharp insights to identify and eliminate resistance that gets in the way of creating. “Frankly, it’s my go-to book recommendation for anyone and everyone pursuing a creative calling, both professionally or even just as a hobby” “,[“em”,”Glamour”],”’s Art Director, “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.glamour.com/contributor/alexandra-folino”,”target”:”_blank”},”Alexandra Folino”],”, says. “I can’t overstate how profoundly “,[“em”,”The War of Art”],” reshaped my perspective on creative resistance and the mindset that’s required for creative flow. It’s the kind of book that feels like a wise and brutally honest art BFF, pushing you to finally get out of your own way and fully embrace your higher creative calling.””]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”6759ca3a8fb244538bbf8212″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”The War of Art by Steven Pressfield”,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/War-Art-Through-Creative-Battles/dp/1936891026/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?”,”price”:”$18″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/GP5sCMm2xCt7XBi31LFe1AdjxoMCycJoLczyFWNDUXb2ZF6goPMvknWKGJHBXfCvvDf4DsGCrzBz2aW5VWhXsXotX6iEpq5q8pPJt5uTMRsKrVzUVCDQh9FbpgsWyxwzfCjNscW1dqyndds6pXBxTgdATwj3R746NWm5R3QP8kku3KNKn1RQzZ8jeankYhUyaP6UeLwHgFD9tE92TQPEzxSfd8uT1oH6Nux3vQDRic6UXW4b87XyE4ZNnvxpme4sZm6AY7bWbFywB1hZ7yTFYas51fgXCEhzgV4nwEv49Qr”,”reducedPrice”:”$17″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-gifts-for-artists&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F6759d2b62998bf1c836ef33f%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FThe%2520War%2520of%2520Art%2520by%2520Steven%2520Pressfield.png&description=The%20War%20of%20Art%20by%20Steven%20Pressfield”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:1,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”hasReadMoreFeature”:false,”productDescriptionLineLength”:5,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”isPrimeExclusive”:false,”shouldUseAmazonPrimeDayLiveAPIData”:true,”order”:1,”totalCount”:45,”preHeaderOne”:”2/45″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”enhanced_product_card”,”total_index”:2,”hasMultipleImage”:true,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false,”showBadge”:false}”>
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art is the ultimate pep talk for creatives battling procrastination and self-doubt, offering sharp insights to identify and eliminate resistance that gets in the way of creating. “Frankly, it’s my go-to book recommendation for anyone and everyone pursuing a creative calling, both professionally or even just as a hobby” Glamour’s Art Director, Alexandra Folino, says. “I can’t overstate how profoundly The War of Art reshaped my perspective on creative resistance and the mindset that’s required for creative flow. It’s the kind of book that feels like a wise and brutally honest art BFF, pushing you to finally get out of your own way and fully embrace your higher creative calling.”
Soucolor 72-Color Pencil Set
Colored pencils may seem basic, but this comprehensive 72-piece set is anything but typical. Recommended by artist Sonja Krastman, the kit comes in a pencil box with a wide range of distinct colors. If you’ve got a child prodigy on your hands, rest easy knowing that these are made to be odorless too.
Hem Precious Jasmine Incense Sticks
Artist Victoria Phoebe Gill says that incense sticks give her workspace and studio a more enjoyable atmosphere. “Not the fancy ones, though. I love to get inexpensive ones that have been picked out by someone I love. That means a lot,” she says. Glamour contributor Neha Tandon is a personal fan of these incense sticks that she and her mom have been burning for decades. The floral jasmine scent is somehow smoky, fresh, and light.
Heavyweight Watercolor Paper Pad
Give a painter the gift of fresh inspiration with a brand-new pad of heavyweight paper. Recommended as a good gift by Gomes, the cold-pressed paper is made with acid-free construction to enhance the longevity of whatever masterpieces your loved ones end up making.
Artecho Chalk Pastels
Help bring your artist’s ideas to vibrant life with the help of this chalk pastel set that has a wide range of 64 distinct fluorescent shades (and two each of black and white). A gift Gomes said he would love to receive, these pastels have square edges designed to make it easy to draw points, fine lines, thick lines, and shading.
Sketch Journal
Kastman says most artists use a sketch journal like this one, so no matter what their medium is, this bestseller will likely suit them. The pad is filled with tough, durable paper that can of course be used for sketching but is also tough enough to hold up to paint, pastels, charcoal, and more.
Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic Paints
Practical items are never a bad idea, and you can’t go wrong with a high-quality essential like these heavy body acrylic paints. Designed to have a satin finish, this brand comes recommended by Gomes thanks to the ultrapigmented hues, thick but flexible formulas that move easily, and crack-free results.
Posca Paint Pens
Most ’90s kids can relate to getting excited about gel pens back in middle school, and you can think of these pro-level paint pens as their cool, bougie aunt. Krastman calls out Posca’s Japanese-made pens as a high-quality gift thanks to the reversible bullet tips that last twice as long as standard pens, the nontoxic pigments, and more. These are a great gift for ultracreative, crafty kids since the pigments are designed to be used anywhere from skateboards to their clothing.
Liquitex Professional Freestyle Large Scale Brush
We love putting the finishing touch on a larger gift with a small cherry on top, and this large canvas brush, recommended by Gomes, fits the bill. The small yet mighty brush simply helps to paint broad strokes and edges alike.
Too Copic Sketch Basic Set (36 Colors)
“I love Copic Markers. They are on the pricier side, but they last such a long time,” says fashion illustrator Stella Hankins. “I love using them for my fashion illustrations!” Hundreds of reviewers swear by these for their high pigmentation and smooth blendability. Made in Japan, each marker has both a fine side and a paintbrush one for the utmost versatility.
Diptyque Citronnelle Lemongrass & Orange Blossom Scented Candle
This isn’t your basic candle gift. Lighting this will offer your loved one a little taste of the Mediterranean at home or in their studio, not just for the scent—it’s decked out with an illustration by artist Alexandre Benjamin Navet. “I love a beautiful, fancy candle,” says makeup artist Kirin Bhatty. “It’s a gift that I often give but hardly get for myself. Diptyque for the win!”
Personalized Paintbrush Case
Just because a paintbrush case should be sensible doesn’t mean it needs to be boring, and this stunning genuine leather option will quickly become their new go-to. Customize this with their name, a special date, or your favorite nickname for them. It comes in three distinct rich, rustic tones.
Calligraphy Pens
Whether you have a loved one who’s a calligraphy expert or they’ve just recently decided to take up the art as a hobby, this 10-piece set from Pandafly will likely be a welcome addition to their stationery set. The shopper-loved set features 10 distinct pens that all have different tip sizes along with nontoxic, waterproof, fade-proof, and nonbleeding ink.
Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Balm
A high-quality hand cream is essential for keeping hands feeling supple and soft, and if the artist in your life likes to work with their hands more than brushes, this popular balm from Aesop is sure to transform the feel of their skin in the coming year. Infused with mandarin rind, rosemary leaf, and cedar, the vegan formula has a cult following for the velvety feel it leaves behind and refreshing, earthy scent.
Lululemon New Venture Classic-Fit Men’s Shirt
Painter Elizabeth Myers Castonguay likes to paint in an oversized men’s shirt. This one has a buttery-soft, wrinkle-free fabric that’s also easy to wash — though she says she loves to go out while donning a cool paint-splattered look, too.
Blk Art: The Audacious Legacy of Black Artists and Models in Western Art by Zaria Ware”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”This gorgeous book by writer and poet Zaria Ware is an elegant and refined addition to any artist’s collection. Designed to highlight the unknown and hidden faces of Black men and women who are both featured in art and are artists themselves, this book elevates a dismissed population in this magnificent historical retelling.”]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”67533162131295fadc28213e”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”“Blk Art: The Audacious Legacy of Black Artists and Models in Western Art” by Zaria Ware”,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/dp/0063272415″,”price”:”$35″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/NXK4oxtFZ3fpLiqggMeC3qVs53h8wDJDU267LWv2ye1j1QvZAkXuKL3ZrUP5dL3fTS6YN9CRxT3za3MYnegEyDk4au46j1Yz2N7tRbrcrdBKRCir7yFgdrBNqXaZ1FyKZ7tCs5STPcufXNHEyiKYgtbASkTPJNyzbXRtyFzNkAJrzPo29QRrDZx4GDizG4ybXJUn23DddkfwFCUB4fVG96RKWv9qT38DURXRLcfp”,”reducedPrice”:”$19″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-gifts-for-artists&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F6753319537db23c6249cbd36%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2Fblk-art-book.jpg&description=%E2%80%9CBlk%20Art%3A%20The%20Audacious%20Legacy%20of%20Black%20Artists%20and%20Models%20in%20Western%20Art%E2%80%9D%20by%20Zaria%20Ware”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:16,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”hasReadMoreFeature”:false,”productDescriptionLineLength”:5,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”isPrimeExclusive”:false,”shouldUseAmazonPrimeDayLiveAPIData”:true,”order”:16,”totalCount”:45,”preHeaderOne”:”17/45″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”unified_product_card”,”hasMultipleImage”:false,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false,”showBadge”:false}”>
“Blk Art: The Audacious Legacy of Black Artists and Models in Western Art” by Zaria Ware
This gorgeous book by writer and poet Zaria Ware is an elegant and refined addition to any artist’s collection. Designed to highlight the unknown and hidden faces of Black men and women who are both featured in art and are artists themselves, this book elevates a dismissed population in this magnificent historical retelling.
Birdies Hummingbird Mary Jane Flats
When standing in front of her easel for long hours, Castonguay loves to be wearing a comfortable pair of shoes that actually looks cute. These velvet Mary Janes from Birdies are where style meets function thanks to the cushioned footbed and arch support.
Busoha Art Portfolio Bag
Behind the simple, no-frills design of this portfolio bag is an internal X-strap holder for keeping their art safe, strap hangers, and a side pocket for their pencils or brushes. The exterior is made with a durable, double-stitched fabric that is waterproof and dust-resistant, too. Bonus points if you buy them a little gift card to their favorite art supplies store, then hide it inside for them to be surprised with later.
MoMA Now: Highlights from The Museum of Modern Art, New York“,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”Published in 2019 to celebrate the Museum of Modern Art’s 90th anniversary, this is bound to become a coffee-table (or nightstand) favorite. In it, you’ll find a chronological overview of art that’s been housed in the museum—from a photograph taken in 1867 to a frame of a 2017 Oscar-nominated documentary film.”]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”675333340fe993ae85c38bed”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”“MoMA Now: Highlights from The Museum of Modern Art, New York””,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/MoMA-Now-Highlights-Museum-Modern/dp/1633451003/ref=sr_1_1″,”price”:”$75″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/3ML3AxBWphqb6SWizEarrY7oPNs4PEAzjdJ21dhqkxpQcoh2geW9NcWWtf6jVXkv7n6JqgxuXYhxY6DM2R3a6ZWYSHigyqjwdtw782sLZHPnW66ZTLzWbetUYw9vRnBbQBJ4Hngt6LJnxfosyQyvkRnRm7Nikg5WFKSnftjPjcRwWAbxx8S3MoUttS7Apm6a3p7p9contdARcKr1xcJx2zhcjrmJSuwUCHAo121DNWEb1PFQ6DrMh2bUU2X6MSjdzmACnWfdt1MUhQ4kYWfN1qutudPoYDbhCz47WW”,”reducedPrice”:”$54″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-gifts-for-artists&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F675333b54c74d548fea8b8ed%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FMoMa-Now.jpg&description=%E2%80%9CMoMA%20Now%3A%20Highlights%20from%20The%20Museum%20of%20Modern%20Art%2C%20New%20York%E2%80%9D”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:19,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”hasReadMoreFeature”:false,”productDescriptionLineLength”:5,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”isPrimeExclusive”:false,”shouldUseAmazonPrimeDayLiveAPIData”:true,”order”:19,”totalCount”:45,”preHeaderOne”:”20/45″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”unified_product_card”,”hasMultipleImage”:false,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false,”showBadge”:false}”>
“MoMA Now: Highlights from The Museum of Modern Art, New York”
Published in 2019 to celebrate the Museum of Modern Art’s 90th anniversary, this is bound to become a coffee-table (or nightstand) favorite. In it, you’ll find a chronological overview of art that’s been housed in the museum—from a photograph taken in 1867 to a frame of a 2017 Oscar-nominated documentary film.
Custom Canvas Apron
After scanning through hundreds of aprons on many different sites, we can confirm that this is the cutest—and soon to be most special—apron out there. The customizable canvas finish is available with eight different embroidery options, but you can’t go wrong with any of the sophisticated styles.
Plus-Plus USA 350-Piece Hokusai Puzzle Kit
Inspired by colors drawn from the palette of Hokusai’s “The Great Wave” woodblock print, this 350-piece three-dimensional puzzle may just give them an ever deeper appreciation for the artist. Or maybe it’ll give them just the artistic inspiration they’ve been seeking out for themselves.
Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage
Collage artist Maria Rivans gathered hundreds of beautiful, strange, and hilarious images for them to cut out and stick onto everything from vision boards to furniture or their own art. Gone are the days of having to find just the right thing they’re looking for in a magazine. The book itself even has space to create the art, with many background options and the ability to add one’s own personal photographs; add an image of you and your giftee to one of them before gifting this to them as a special touch.
John Derian Sticker Book
Curated by designer John Derian, this nature-focused sticker book isn’t anything like those sticker books you ’90s kids will remember spending long Sunday afternoons with. Filled with stunning images—flowers, playful amphibians, and forest animals—and rich colors, this has reviewers charmed.
Kuretake Watercolor Set (48 Colors)
This isn’t just another set of watercolors. In fact, illustrator Helen Criaco says calls this a godsend, and she’s gifted one to several artist friends. The thick, vivid opaque pigments are packed into rectangles for easy, mess-free portability. “These are a lot easier to handle than traditional watercolors if you’re an acrylic or oil painter, and this fits into my purse easily,” she says. “I carry it around with me with a small mason jar for water.”
Color the Classics: The Art Institute of Chicago
There are adult coloring books, and then there’s this extremely sophisticated option from the Art Institute of Chicago that you’d proudly show off while out at your local coffee shop. In it you’ll find (uncolored) art from Pablo Picasso, Katsushika Hokusai, Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Edward Hopper, and more.
Custom Leather Portfolio
This genuine leather portfolio contains a notepad (lined or unlined depending upon your preference) in addition to card slots, two interior organizational compartments, and a pen slot on the side. Choose from 20 design options for your personalization, but no matter which you pick, they’ll happily enjoy toting this highly rated journal around as their new favorite accessory.
Dolce & Gabbana Blank Notebook
I can confidently say that most anyone would enjoy receiving this gift—artist or not (hint, hint, Mom and Dad). Available in two designs, each sheet of paper is lined with gold edges to add to the overall luxe feel. They’ll keep their most fantastic ideas in this book, then happily keep it on display for decades to come.
Ellsworth Kelly Forever Postage Stamps (Set of 20)
Ellsworth Kelly was a renowned painter, sculptor, and printmaker whose art has now been memorialized through these bold and vivid US Postal Service Forever stamps. Though for the perfection-obsessed artist who needs every little thing in their life to be beautiful, including their outgoing mail, it’s also a great collector’s item.
LEGO 3D Starry Night Building Kit
ICYMI, Lego sets aren’t just for kids, and the brand makes some of the best gifts. Whether your artist is a collector, loves building things, or is just a serious van Gogh fans, this best-selling gift will feel extra special.
Pampas Ceramic Vase Set
If you have a green-thumbed artist on your hands, consider this uniquely shaped modern ceramic vase set. These vases are pieces of art in and of themselves with one smaller and one larger option. But, more importantly? They’re so stylish that they’ll get to bring you up every time someone compliments them.
150-Piece Artist Case Set
Not only is the price unbeatable for all this includes but so are the high-quality pieces inside it. If you know someone who’s just starting to take an interest in art, this all-inclusive set should be in your cart. It comes with pastels, watercolors, paint tubes, markers, brushes, a sketch pad, watercolor paper sheets, and much more.
Metropolitan Museum of Art Playing Cards
Back to another iconic museum, because you just can’t deny their authority in this space. Buy this affordable set of playing cards featuring pieces from The Met’s collection of Asian Art, but know that there are many other versions, like this Vincent van Gogh collection. Get them a few if they’re collectors, or get them one as a little stocking stuffer.
Andy Warhol-Inspired Neon Sign
A one-and-done gift that any cool and trendy person on your list would love? An Andy Warhol-inspired sign—which features one of his most iconic Marilyn Monroe prints—is bound to please any gift recipient. Maybe one day, under the gleam on the neon pink lights, they’ll define their own era of art.
Salvador Dali Tarot Card Set
Nobody’s a one-trick pony, and if the art lover in your life is also always talking to you about signs from the universe, angel numbers, and their psychic, chances are that they’ve been in the market for a set of tarot cards. Donning art with Salvador Dali on it, chances are that you’ll get at least a few free readings out of this gift.
Beechwood Easel
This gorgeous beechwood easel is easily adjustable and foldable for the artist who loves to switch up their environment or even travel with their art. Despite being foldable and portable, it has an adjustable height, spacious drawer with four compartments, and sturdy non-slip legs.
Poketo’s Project Planner
The Poketo Hardcover Notebook isn’t just pretty—it’s a powerhouse for project planning, featuring thoughtfully designed pages that help you break down big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. With its minimalist design and practical layouts, this planner will keep you organized, and clear about your plans, all while looking effortlessly stylish on your desk.
A Big Important Art Book (Now with Women) by Danielle Krysa”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”Danielle Krysa, the visionary behind “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://www.instagram.com/thejealouscurator/?hl=en”,”target”:”_blank”},[“em”,”The Jealous Curator”]],” and a talented visual artist, authored “,[“a”,{“href”:”https://cna.st/affiliate-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″,”rel”:”sponsored”,”target”:”_blank”,”isaffiliatelink”:”true”},[“em”,”The Big Important Book of Women Artists”]],”—a homage to many women whose work has revolutionized the art world. Packed with stunning visuals, “,[“em”,”Glamour”],”’s Folino, calls it her go-to whenever she’s in need of a spark of inspiration. “This read is both a feast for the eyes and a source of endless visual inspiration, reminding us of the inventive ways women’s creativity has shaped the world of art as we know it” she says.”]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”6759d8eb766bb35aa682af9a”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”A Big Important Art Book (Now with Women) by Danielle Krysa”,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/Big-Important-Book-Women-Artists/dp/0762463791/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?”,”price”:”$28″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/GP5sCMm2xCt7XBi31LFe1AdjxoMCycJoLczyFWNDUXb2ZF6goPMvknWKGJHBXfCvvDf4DsGCrzBz2aW2gLEpcZsUfn4Y6iDPgdLEWu8S5ijvNGTu8PWKbSJ1xW1JV7EubHDjQj3tpXmN9FxiowNfHRyQCfXKYyZCPtgPuEQeEnMdQuiNnTR37sWCXRybZN3Mv8cXS3bXbZ3PdQkbdBrpiFKUwuPshLx87w3CpRZE76cv53PkHjJdyRZM9qK2WMdMULiPYE77miQ6YSonCEh9Zqw1YXng2zfe4x8etAD44kn”,”reducedPrice”:”$15″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-gifts-for-artists&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F6759d957766bb35aa682af9c%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FA%2520Big%2520Important%2520Art%2520Book%2520(Now%2520with%2520Women)%2520by%2520Danielle%2520Krysa.png&description=A%20Big%20Important%20Art%20Book%20(Now%20with%20Women)%20by%20Danielle%20Krysa”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:37,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”hasReadMoreFeature”:false,”productDescriptionLineLength”:5,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”isPrimeExclusive”:false,”shouldUseAmazonPrimeDayLiveAPIData”:true,”order”:37,”totalCount”:45,”preHeaderOne”:”38/45″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”enhanced_product_card”,”total_index”:2,”hasMultipleImage”:true,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false,”showBadge”:false}”>
A Big Important Art Book (Now with Women) by Danielle Krysa
Danielle Krysa, the visionary behind The Jealous Curator and a talented visual artist, authored The Big Important Book of Women Artists—a homage to many women whose work has revolutionized the art world. Packed with stunning visuals, Glamour’s Folino, calls it her go-to whenever she’s in need of a spark of inspiration. “This read is both a feast for the eyes and a source of endless visual inspiration, reminding us of the inventive ways women’s creativity has shaped the world of art as we know it” she says.
Wacom Intuos Pro Drawing Tablet
The Wacom Intuos Tablet is the ultimate gift for creatives who love to bring their digital visions to life, whether they’re sketching, illustrating, or editing. With a design that mimics the natural feel of traditional art tools, seamless Bluetooth connectivity, and responsive pen, it’s the perfect tool for when ideas start flowing.
Transon Long Soucolor Paint Brushes
These Soucolor Paint Brushes are the perfect gift for artists of any level, from beginners just starting their creative journey to the seasoned pro. With a variety of brush shapes and long handles that allow for more effortless strokes, they’re versatile enough to handle everything from acrylics, to gouache, to watercolors and oils.
Carand’ache Neocolor Pastels
Caran d’Ache Neocolor II Pastels are the art supply upgrade you didn’t know you needed—highly pigmented, water-soluble, and endlessly versatile. Glamour’s Folino says “I like to think of these as crayons, but all grown-up. Think vibrant, blendable pigments that are consistent in intensity and richness—sure to enhance your creative arsenal.”
The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin”,”dek”:[“div”,[“p”,”From the award-winning music producer behind greats like Adele, Lady Gaga and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rick Rubin’s “,[“em”,”The Creative Act: A Way of Being”],” is a masterclass in harnessing creativity, offering profound insights that feel both timeless and refreshingly new. With Rubin’s signature blend of meditative wisdom and storytelling, this book isn’t just a guide, it’s an invitation to rethink how we approach art, work, and life itself.”]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”675a06d6e831e5d27d89f270″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:”The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin”,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”https://www.amazon.com/Creative-Act-Way-Being/dp/0593652886/ref=sr_1_1?”,”price”:”$32″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:”https://cna.st/p/AUmSbTSfyktbrD3VoFvjEJpoi77YeBkx4KY2LQxCVthnJ1MAs9myHcYECrZhdtjnfiaXdi247P64RBvtG1wgsWn8yDDqaULBap1sqFmuBQwVpA5zviwyoGPNEAhHqFzK4Q59KPSRmZmTCpSjCjU926kyRYjEt5igWZyJmdg7zXVBEn31tjo8Q7nYVPWZ7mH7MJv1nYtnwGtwGoFWNgZ828wHhv7Z7S7oHfAPyxZ4cNZXwHttvfQa8n6RdxH543fnEFVPk59twNujqEhQhj2wgL6A”,”reducedPrice”:”$19″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:”US”}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.glamour.com%2Fgallery%2Fbest-gifts-for-artists&media=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.glamour.com%2Fphotos%2F675a104ee831e5d27d89f273%2Fmaster%2Fw_1200%2Cc_limit%2FThe%2520Creative%2520Act%2520A%2520Way%2520of%2520Being%2520by%2520Rick%2520Rubin.png&description=The%20Creative%20Act%3A%20A%20Way%20of%20Being%20by%20Rick%20Rubin”}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:41,”showClampedProductDescription”:false,”hasReadMoreFeature”:false,”productDescriptionLineLength”:5,”isMobileView”:false,”hasMultipleImageSupport”:true,”showImageCreditText”:true,”showMultipleImageCount”:4,”hasProsConsFeature”:false,”hasRatingFeature”:false,”pros”:[],”cons”:[],”rating”:””,”isPrimeExclusive”:false,”shouldUseAmazonPrimeDayLiveAPIData”:true,”order”:41,”totalCount”:45,”preHeaderOne”:”42/45″,”showOrderedGallery”:false,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false,”layout”:”ProductEmbed”,”component”:”enhanced_product_card”,”total_index”:2,”hasMultipleImage”:true,”componentType”:true,”showProsConsData”:false,”showBadge”:false}”>
The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
From the award-winning music producer behind greats like Adele, Lady Gaga and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act: A Way of Being is a masterclass in harnessing creativity, offering profound insights that feel both timeless and refreshingly new. With Rubin’s signature blend of meditative wisdom and storytelling, this book isn’t just a guide, it’s an invitation to rethink how we approach art, work, and life itself.
Lunix Hand Massager
For artists and creatives whose hands are in constant motion, the Lunix LX7 Hand Massager is a studio essential that is disguised as self-care. With customizable pressure settings and heat therapy, it’s sure to work wonders on tired fingers, wrists and palms, making it the perfect antidote to long hours spent knitting, painting, sketching, or sculpting. Lightweight and cordless, this little powerhouse fits seamlessly into your routine, turning even a five-minute break into an escape—because your hands deserve as much care as your craft.
Legion Mini Artist Pad Set
“I recently bought this paper sample pack to try all the Legion papers out after I had heard great things from fellow artists,” says Glamour’s Folino says. “Not only does their petite size make for the most charming mini illustrations, but they are easy to toss in my bag on a trip to the museum, and I’ve discovered their different paper styles and textures along the way.”
Biquette Daisy Block Throw Blanket
Designed in partnership with acclaimed visual artists, Biquette crafts sustainable throw blankets featuring striking, artful prints made from all-natural, machine-washable fibers. Offering cozy comfort during a long creative session, styles like the Daisy Block Throw Blanket designed by Rosemary Milner, or the Easy Breezy Throw Blanket designed by artist Amber Vittoria, will be sure to provide ample visual inspiration.