Husqvarna Recalls Grass Trimmers Due to Fire Hazard

Recalled Gas-powered Grass Trimmer
Recalled Husqvarna Grass Trimmer (Model 130C)
Recalled Husqvarna Grass Trimmer (Model 130L)
Recalled Husqvarna Grass Trimmer (Model 330LK)
The SKU number is printed on the serial number tag on the bottom side of the motor housing
Name of Product:
Gas-powered Grass Trimmers
Incorrect wiring in the ignition module on the recalled grass trimmers can cause an electrical spark or arcing, posing a fire hazard if gas is on or near the unit.
Recall Date:
February 08, 2024
About 403,000 (In addition, about 17,230 were sold in Canada)
Recall Details
This recall involves gas-powered Husqvarna Grass Trimmers with model numbers 330LK, 130C and 130L. The trimmers are orange and gray. “Husqvarna” and the model are printed on the motor housing. The SKU number is printed on the serial number tag on the bottom side of the motor housing. SKU numbers included in this recall are as follows:
Model # | SKU # |
330LK |
970514501 970514502 970514503 970514504 970545001 |
130C |
970514301 970514302 970514303 970694601 970694701 |
130L |
970514401 970514402 970514403 970694801 970694901 |
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled grass trimmers and contact an authorized Husqvarna dealer to receive a free repair. The dealer locator is available at
The firm has received 12 reports of the recalled grass trimmers catching on fire, electrical spark or arcing, including two reports of property damage and one report of a consumer who suffered burns on their leg and arm when they attempted to extinguish a fire.
Sold At:
Husqvarna dealers, Lowes, Tractor Supply, and other home and gardens stores nationwide and online at from October 2021 through November 2023 for between $250 and $300.
Husqvarna Professional Products Inc., of Charlotte, N.C.
Manufactured In:
United States
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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products has contributed to a decline in the rate of injuries associated with consumer products over the past 50 years.
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