AFK Journey Primal Lord Crystal Beetle – Best Formations

AFK Journey Primal Lord Crystal Beetle is the latest Primal Lord to enter the field, so let’s take a look at some of the best team formations to take them down.
Primal Lord Crystal Beetle is the latest Primal Lord to be added to AFK Journey. Like before, players can challenge the boss 3 times a day as the server takes them down. While the goal is to take down the Lord for the server, you will get Daily rewards of Essence, Gold, and XP based on the damage you deal.
As always, you’ll also be ranked for the best damage total in a given day against the rest of your server. The top 20 players at the end will get the special Beetle Slayer title, while the top 200 will get a unique border and “a lot” of Twilight Essence. If you manage to the make the top 50, you’ll be immortalised on your server at the spot where the Lord fell.
Don’t worry if you’re F2P, we’ll have a team for you as well.
As always, these lists are being updated as the meta shifts, this is especially true for those playing on F2P as time will allow those players to use slightly better Characters as they unlock them and rank them up. With all that said, let’s get into the team comps, look at the boss abilities and get ourselves some kill %.
Primal Lord Crystal Beetle – Abilities
- Passive – Spreads an enchanted mist across the battlefield, fueling the magic obsession of those within. Increases the Haste of allies and enemies within the mist by 60 and their magic damage by 100%. Allies and enemies also recover 50 Energy per second while in the mist.
- Skill 1 – Casts a spell that enhances the scales on the wings and back at 10/30/50/70s into a battle, increasing Dodge by 100 for 15s.
- Skill 2 – Summons 3-tile-wide spike that extends forward, dealing 60% damage to enemies hit. If enemies lose HP from this damage, they will also be knocked into the air and stunned for 2s.
- Ultimate – Flies into the sky, becoming Invincible while hurling a magic projectile at each enemy, dealing 80% damage to the target and adjacent targets.
Primal Lord Crystal Beetle – Tips
- Regardless of comp, shields are key to this fight. Healing won’t help you here, so shields are a must
- True damage is the most potent here, despite the boss taking increased Magic Damage
Primal Lord Crystal Beetle – Team Comps
Koko is key, as their shield makes the fight trivial
Thoran is once again the best tank for a fight like this
Korin Like Koko adds a shield, plus does decent damage
Scarlita Again, the shield is key here, plus she can do solid damage
Smokey & Meerky both a good buffer and healer. While the healing is less important the buffs are key.
Artefacts – Use Evocation Spell for extra Shielding or Quickblade Spell for more damage
Phraesto you’ll need the new tank for this one, using him as the main tank and damage dealer
Thoran acts as a second tank, alongside his damage and debuffer
Korin as before, a combination of shield and damage
Scarlita is a secondary damage dealer and shielder
Koko shielder, buffer, and debuffer
Artefacts – Use Evocation Spell for extra Shielding or Quickblade Spell for more damage
Lucius great shielder and buffer
Thoran works as the main tank
Korin great damage and shielding
Smokey & Meerky primary buffer and healing, though the latter isn’t as needed here
Koko shielder, debuffer, buffer
Artefacts – Use Evocation Spell for extra Shielding or Quickblade Spell for more damage
For now, this is the best info we have, we’ll update this list as and when the “best” changes.
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist.
David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.