Short nails, no watches, downgrade in drafting penalties and new MTR order: new rules World Triathlon

Like every Olympiad, World Triathlon is introducing new changes to its competition rules in 2025, but some of the new rules are raising a lot of questions leading up to Los Angeles 2028. That the Mixed Team Relay would change order again (from now on it’s woman-man-woman-man again, ed) was already known before, but it is mainly the shorter drafting penalties and the fact that triathletes will have to cut their fingernails and toenails that are causing a lot of surprise. Water quality is also getting new standards after the problems with the Seine in Paris.
After a year in which World Triathlon received tons of criticism following the drama with the Seine swimming water during the Olympics, it is notable, to say the least, that water quality standards are being adjusted, and not for the better. For example, the acceptable number of Enterococci and E.Coli has doubled. Whereas previously swimming in fresh water was not allowed at 200 particles of Enterococci and 500 particles of E.Coli per 100 ml, this is now being raised to 400 particles of Enterococci and 1,000 particles of E.Coli. On the other hand, from now on the water quality must be judged by a so-called Water Quality Evaluation Panel consisting of several people, including a representative of the Medical Committee of World Triathlon.
Order Mixed Team Relay
During Tokyo 2020, the Olympic Games that eventually took place in 2021, the Olympic Mixed Team Relay was held for the first time. Back then, the start order was woman-man-woman-man. From the Olympiad towards Paris 2024, that order was reversed and it was decided to change the order every four years. Whereas in Paris the men started first and the women ended the spectacle, from now on we will get the original order of woman-man-woman-man again.
Less time penalty for drafting
Last season we already saw a few times that shorter penalties were handed out in the penalty box and in the new regulations there is now more clarity on that as well. Instead of a five-minute time penalty, there is now a 3-minute penalty for drafting in a full triathlon, 2 minutes in a half triathlon and 1 minute in a Olympic Triathlon. In a non-drafting Sprint Triathlon, you must stay in the penalty box for half a minute if you receive a drafting penalty.
Elites must clip their nails
One of the most notable new rules is that in the case of elite triathlons, nails – both toenails and fingernails – must be kept short. Wearing watches will also not be allowed, unless the head referee decides otherwise. Additionally, for the swim event, a rule has been added that anyone caught deliberately obstructing (by way of “dunk, punch, scratch or kick”) an opponent may be disqualified and come before the World Triathlon Sports Tribunal.
Among a host of other more detailed changes to the rules, one more stands out: from now on, trisuits with sleeves that reach below the elbow will be allowed.
You can find the full race rules here.