Fortnite Lock On Pistol Back in Chapter 5

Fortnite Chapter 5 has returned after a winter break, we’ve already had the first update. However, this week has had a new weapon added to the game too. Re-enabled in a hotfix, we’ve got one of Fortnite’s weirder weapons in recent seasons making a return. The Fortnite Lock On Pistol has come back to the loot pool.
Chapter 4 might not get too much credit for it, but it got creative with its weapon loot pool. We had the creative movement/melee items like the Shockwave Hammer and Katana. However, the Fortnite Lock on Pistol was a new item with a different twist. It’s a gun that gives you auto aim. While slept on at the start of its time in the game, it went on to be a weirdly OP item. How does it work and where can you find it in Chapter 5?
Source: Epic
Lock on Pistol Returns
The Lock on Pistol is a hand arm in Fortnite with a bit of a unique mechanic. On the surface, it feels a bit like a normal pistol. However, it has an added mechanic. Use the lock on feature while tracking an enemy (roughly), and you’ll lock on. For that clip of ammo, your bullets and crosshair will auto aim at the enemy player.
If you can manage to tilt upwards a little bit, this lock on can give you a clip of headshots. Long enough to take an enemy out. Add on to this that you can essentially use it to check for enemies in a location thanks to how it responds to your crosshair going over something. The Lock on Pistol has proven to be a lot more useful than it initially appeared, which makes it interesting now it has been re-added to the game.
Where Can You Find the Pistol?
The new Lock On Pistol is back in the loot pool. Where can you find the gun though? This isn’t limited to one spot like the Chapter 5 Mythic weapons. Instead, you can find it in the normal loot pool. It’s in chests, floor loot, and other normal places. It’s a fun weapon and definitely worth checking out while it’s back in the game.