Ko! Ko! Kona? Lure of Big Island prompts Sam Long U-turn as he races IRONMAN Frankfurt

The IRONMAN World Championship in Kona is suddenly back on the agenda for Sam Long.
Just days ago the American star had all but ruled out taking part in full-distance racing’s biggest event.
What he called his “one shot at qualifying” had come at IRONMAN Maryland late last season but third place there wasn’t quite enough, with only the top two booking their spots.
Unexpected last-minute chance
The last possible opportunity was IRONMAN Frankfurt this Sunday but Long was only on the waiting list such was the demand – and also at his new, second training base in Trieste in Italy, with his focus firmly on middle distance, in particular the lucrative T100 series.
Talking to Bob Babbitt recently on ‘Breakfast With Bob’, which is embedded below, Long admitted: “I still really, really wish I was racing Kona this year.
“I knew I had one shot and I failed so I have to live with not being at Kona.
“I couldn’t fit another qualifying race in and that’s the reality of the calendar.”
It’s a packed calendar, with both the PTO’s T100 and the IRONMAN Pro Series – and Long has already raced seven times.
He’s notched two wins – IRONMAN 70.3 St George and IRONMAN 70.3 Pucon – while T100 runner-up spots in Singapore and Miami see him third in those standings.
‘Opinions are like assholes’
But the news then came in that a starting slot at IRONMAN Frankfurt had rolled down – and with it a glorious chance to qualify for Kona.
For no fewer than six places are up for grabs at what is the designated IRONMAN European Championship and, despite the huge start list, no fewer than 17 of those have already booked their flights to Hawaii.
That’s not to say it will be easy for Long, far from it with what he freely admits is an unconventional preparation.
“I want to get to Kona – ‘literally anything is possible’ is the mindset this week,” he said on his Instagram page.
And he followed that with a cryptic message as bizarrely some people seem taken aback by the change in heart rather than celebrating another huge name on a stellar start list which also features the IRONMAN return of Kristian Blummenfelt after the Olympics.
Again on Instagram, Long said: “As the expression goes… Opinions are like assholes and everyone has one.
“I actually appreciate all the commentary around it.
“While I don’t have the time and energy to explain right now. After the race I will likely explain the realities behind these decisions. What might look like erratic decision making is actually very deep thought about what is the most important thing for the future of my career and the success of my family. Outside variables around me change and I am forced to adapt to these things. Evolve or perish!
“Alas, head down, TT hands up. Time to get this done.”