The benefits of integrating your grassroot organizers on your own tournament platform

Discover the benefits of integrating your grassroot organizers and community into your own tournament platform. Learn how Ubisoft and E.V.A did it with Toornament.
As a studio or game publisher, your gaming community can be your number one tournament contributor and driving force in nurturing your game. You can delegate grassroot tournament operations to your community organizers and let them do the heavy lifting while you focus on your own actions to structure your top tier competitive scene.
However, this grassroot tournament organization can be scattered across different management tools. It leads to competitions of very heterogeneous quality to the detriment of the player experience. Players can also have difficulties to find where to play tournaments and how to do so, especially if they are not very involved on Discord servers or community forums.
To help your grassroot organizers grow and contribute to your game’s business, it is better to regroup their operations on the same tournament platform. And preferably a tournament platform of your own!
Here are the main benefits that such an approach will bring you:
Your players will have a rallying point to participate in tournaments organized by grassroot organizers. Whatever their level, localization or language. At the same time, this gives better exposure to your grassroot organizer tournaments among all your players.
You can more easily integrate tournaments organized by your grassroot organizers into your official competition circuit. Creating connections between them becomes easier if they are on the same tournament platform.
Your players’ and teams’ competitive track records, whether from community or official tournaments, are all in one place.
Providing and using the same tournament tool and framework, will homogenize the quality of organization. It is also easier to open your game to a single tournament platform to integrate automation of match launch, score or stats retrieval.
The platform can serve as a trusted third party in the licensing of community tournaments and their integration into your official competition circuit.
By bringing community activities on your own platform, you can collect most of their tournament and player data. You can then use it to better understand players, improve the gaming experience, or leverage it for marketing and communication purposes.
Being integrated into the publisher’s official platform strengthens the feeling of belonging of players and organizers with the game.
With its Platform solution, Toornament provides a turnkey tool to gather and manage one’s game grassroot organizers operations.
The two game developers Ubisoft Nadeo and E.V.A have taken the plunge by calling on Toornament to release their tournament platform integrating their community of organizers.
Trackmania World Tour website
Thanks to the Toornament solution, Ubisoft Nadeo has released its own tournament platform to manage the Trackmania game official competition. The website brings together all the tournaments that are part of its official competition, whether organized by Ubisoft Nadeo, Toornament or the many online and offline grassroot organizers around the world.
Players can thus find the list of official tournaments at a glance. On the site, they can register for a tournament and participate in it. All of their results are available on their player account and contribute to the establishment of a world ranking.
Ubisoft Nadeo and Toornament have even gone further by allowing players to be authenticated on the platform through their Ubisoft Connect account. Finally, to facilitate the organizers’ experience, Toornament has integrated features that allow them to launch online match servers from the platform and automatically retrieve and display their results.
E.V.A Competition website
The game publisher and virtual reality centers owner E.V.A. has grouped all of its competitive operations thanks to the solution provided by Toornament. The site serves as a hub to communicate on its official national leagues and manage them.
The site is not only dedicated to the official competition but also its grassroot organizers operations. Thus, the manager of each center can use the site to organize and communicate on their own local tournaments.
To create consistency and promote its brand, the competition portal blends into the official E.V.A website by adopting its URL and full design.