
Warhammer Road Maps for 2024 Confirmed and Fans are Losing Their Minds

Warhammer Road Maps for 2024 are here and the reaction to it has been… something.

So at the NOVA open reveals that happened at 3am for us so we did not do a reveal post we got a bunch of articles that looked at the road maps for each Warhammer game system. This is great, right? We get to know what’s coming, when it might come and what to get ready for. Expect the reaction to it has been awful. 40k especially has got a lot of hate for Games Workshop “taking a break”, confirming just one more release for 2024, and we’ve already got the first part of that revealed.

Anyway, let’s take a look at them.

Warhammer Road Maps for 2024

Warhammer 40k

warhammer 40k road map

So, this is probably the most controversial one of the lot, most likely just because it’s 40k. But, real talk, it’s a bit “meh. Now, Games Workshop has anticipated this with their statement in the post:

“With such a lot happening in 2024, it’s time to take a breath, watch the balance, and enjoy the World Championships of Warhammer”

Honestly… we get it, we keep hearing from fans that we get too many new releases, but when GW slow down, people complain. Maybe it’s because the only thing that is coming out is something we’ve already seen, but honestly, I think this is fair. We’re about to be in September, we won’t get much if anything in December anyway, so this lets GW focus on other stuff.

With AoS having just had a new addition, we suspect all the focus will be on that game system…

Age of Sigmar

Age of Sigmar road map

So, this is where the panic starts to set in. Battletomes for Skaven and Stormcast are obvious, but we also get one of Slaves of Darkness. That’s cool, but that is also 2024 done with for AoS. We get a teaser of new Spearhead boxes in early 2025, but not much outside of the ones for Orruks and Gloomspite. Then we get a really vague teaser about “Death”. Plus more army boxes and Spearhead. It’s a little on the vague side, and that’s really the issue here.

Why not tease something new here, “a new Death faction is coming”, get people excited for 2025 without giving away too much? We know a lot of factions will get new stuff in 2025 because we just had a new edition of the game. What about Cities of Sigmar, it’s one of the best ranges in AoS, so why not tease “a new race joins the cities” boom! Mic drop, the fans go wild. I mean, I might be a little bias as I collect Cities of Sigmar, but the point still stands.

Warhammer the Old World

Warhammer the Old World Road Map

So, nothing really new is coming for Old World in 2024 that we were not aware of. We do know that the Empire and Elves are next, then more factions after that. The part about Plastic, Metal, Resin seems a weird thing to focus on, honestly, as we know that’s how Old World works now.

Horus Heresy Road Map

Horus Heresy Road map

Again, like Old World, the “smaller” games seem to have gotten the worst deal here. Horus Heresy is likely going to get something new each month, and 2025 will have… Tanks. So, that’s good.

Warhammer Road Maps for 2024 Confirmed and Fans are Losing Their Minds

David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist.
David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.

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