Even the best athletes have nerves: “I try to bring myself back to the present moment”

This coming weekend – tomorrow to be exact – Gwen Jorgensen will be at the start of the WTCS Abu Dhabi. Those who had thought that the best athletes in the world might not have nerves can think again, as the 2016 Olympic Champion reveals that she is definitely feeling nerves. “But I try to focus on what I can control: effort, pacing, and execution.”
Jorgensen won just about everything there is to win, including thus the Olympic Triathlon in Rio de Janeiro, but even now she still feels nerves, despite being in the winter of her career as a professional athlete. “Nerves and readiness are feelings. They come and go and are not reality, but instead predictions about the future. I try to bring myself back to the present moment.”
In addition, Jorgensen says she always remains curious. “Every race is a chance to learn something new about myself. And I remain adaptable. I have a race plan, but not the typical type. Instead of writing how I want to perform, I write down how I will execute and react to the ever-changing challenges of race day. Mindset is just as important as fitness. I’ve learned to embrace the unknown and trust the work I’ve put in.”