How to Ask for the Feedback You Really Need

Olena Koliesnik/Getty Images
When we ask for feedback on our work, we often get poor-quality feedback that’s not useful or that makes us feel attacked or defensive. Part of the reason is in how we’re asking for feedback. Most requests are too generic, too open, and too late. The result is that you’re more likely to get a heap of opinion rather than a helping of insight. Instead of saying, “I’d love it if you could provide some feedback,” try setting the other person up to add more value by being more prescriptive about what you’re looking for. This article discusses a three step process for getting more constructive feedback that supports your growth, strengthens your relationships, and accelerates your career.
You’ve probably heard of “the gift of feedback,” but have you ever actually received it? When delivered well, the gift of feedback is candor, and it comes when someone exposes how your behavior affected their own thoughts and feelings — for example, “When you spoke over me, I felt like my perspective wasn’t valued.”